Relief Measures Continue for M&N Aviation and ACC Employees

With the aftermath of Hurricane Marie, more help is needed for the 114 M&N Aviation and  Air Cargo Carriers  employees rebuilding after the devastation.

Food Shortages and Power Outages have made it difficult for employees and their families to obtain the basic necessitites.

With the funds already raised by current employees of Milwaukee based Air Cargo Carriers , two flights to Puerto Rico loaded with pertinant supplies have already  arrived.  The first flight loaded  with Baby formula, food, water and Generators conducted on September 27 and then another aircraft loaded with additional relief  on October 6th.

As relief efforts continue, we will update you on our progress.



**UPDATE (10/18/2017):

After 3 flights loaded with supplies, relief efforts are still needed and will continue for our employees in Puerto Rico.  Please visit the GoFundMe site at

Please share the link on your Social media sites to help us.  **